Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Diane McBain

Diane McBain was best known for her part in the 1966 Elvis movie, Spinout, one of my Top 3 Elvis feature films. She played the role of an author who was in the process of writing her new book, titled The Perfect American Male.

McBain, who was 6 years younger than Elvis, said that Elvis was charming and a lovely person to work with. She appreciated that Elvis didn't come on to her, because so many men did throughout her career in Hollywood.

McBain reminisced: We had a really nice friendship on set. He was a spiritual guy, and he love to read anything about being spiritual. I, too was fascinated by those things. So we bonded over that. We used to exchange books on set and we would have conversations all the time about being spiritual. Elvis really wanted to be taken seriously as an actor. He had a lot of trouble trying to convince them into putting him in more serious roles. He embraced our film beautifully and he did a great job on set. He was, of course, very special but I don't think he saw himself that way.