Wednesday, 24 January 2024

 Elvis Grammy Award Songs

Elvis, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, won only 3 Grammy Awards for his music. All for Gospel. How can that be? 

The Grammys were founded in 1958. Elvis' heyday was from 1956-1957. Easy to see how he missed out on some possible major Rock 'n' Roll Grammys.  In total Elvis received 14 Grammy Nominations, of which 6 were for Singles. 

If we dive into his Single Nominations, we found that he received 2 Grammy Nominations each in the 50s, 60s and 70s, covering the R&B, Pop, Gospel and C&W genres. Once again, no Rock 'n Roll nominations in sight.

Elvis' Grammy Nominations for Singles:

In the 50s Elvis received Grammy Nominations for his 2 Singles A Fool Such As I, for Record Of The Year, and A Big Hunk O' Love, for Best R&B Performance and Best Top 40 Artist Performance.

On to the 60s. Elvis received Grammy Nominations for another 2 Singles, namely Are You Lonesome Tonight, for Best Pop Single Performance, Best Male Vocal Performance and Record Of The Year, plus You'll Never Walk Alone, for Best Sacred Performance.

In the 70s Elvis received Grammy Nominations for 2 more Singles. Firstly, for How Great Thou Art (Live, March 1974) for Best Inspirational Performance, which he WON. Secondly, posthumously for Softly, As I Leave You (Live) for Best Male C&W Performance.