When I got to the get-together which was held in
Annemarie’s lounge, I met Annemarie, Connie, Poppie and Jako. Yes, membership
was low with me coming in at number five but thanks to Annemarie’s
perseverance, the club has grown. I was very impressed with the way Annemarie
presented the afternoon. I had absolutely no idea what an Elvis fan club would
do at a get-together. We talked, listened and watched Elvis footage - some of
which I did not know existed. I then showed my photos and spoke about my trips
to Graceland. It was a wonderful afternoon,
had me hooked and I am still here.
During the past ten years, I have
learnt so much more
about Elvis. I thought, having been a fan since 1956 and having been to
Graceland, that I knew all there was to know but I was so
very wrong. I have made numerous friends of which most will remain close
friends for life, I hope. I have enjoyed the many get-togethers that we
had and all the fun filled activities that Annemarie and Nicolette have
organized. I cannot single out any one event that was more enjoyable
others as I have enjoyed them all - even when we had to write ‘tests’.
- Amy Grainger © EPFCA